Welcome to Bee Impeccable!
To me impeccability means living truth on all levels, with my words, my actions, and observing before responding. An enhanced focus on being in alignment with the essences around me. I've always been a creator, but creating this apparel feels so wholesome.
On February 21st, 2021I lost someone very close to me, she was one of my mentors, a strong pillar in my foundation, and so much more. I know she would love all of these designs. She used to remind me regularly that I was capable of doing anything, and it wasn't until I lost her that those words resonated with me. She believed in me, and made sure I knew it. Through the sadness, desperation, and searching for a way to bring her back this is what I've come up with.
I have always dreamt of helping support our community, and I believe when this business is successful that is exactly what I will do.
Like the bees, all members of the community, no matter their role, are working together to ensure the survival of the colony and its offspring.
Please help support this brand, share with friends and family, and let's build something amazing together. I am grateful for you!